Research : New One Health Risk Prioritization Tools

The article “Risk Prioritization tools for emerging and epidemic-prone diseases: A One Health scoping review”, by Sandul Yasobant , Shailee Patil , Priya Bhavsar , and Deepak Saxena, was published in the International Journal of One Health on February 29, 2024. The article below proposes a summary of the authors’ findings.

Background and Aim

Emerging and epidemic-prone diseases pose a significant threat to public health, necessitating the prioritization of critical risk factors and diseases due to limited resources. This scoping review aims to identify and synthesize available disease and risk prioritization tools from a One Health perspective, encompassing human, animal, and environmental health.


Scientific databases (PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar) were searched to identify prioritization tools. The authors compared and analyzed the tools’ objectives, methodologies, and prioritization processes.


Six tools were identified:

  1. One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP): Developed by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to prioritize zoonotic diseases using a multicriteria approach based on zoonotic potential, public health impact, and prevention capacity.
  2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) – Strategic Toolkit for Assessing Risks (STAR): Developed by the ECDC to assess infectious disease outbreak risks using a qualitative approach based on scenario analysis and expert opinion.
  3. Resource Toolkit for Health Hazard Assessment and Prioritization (ResHAP): Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assess and prioritize health hazards using a quantitative approach based on hazard analysis and exposure assessment.
  4. Risk Ranger: Developed by the Public Health England (PHE) to prioritize infectious disease risks using a multicriteria approach based on transmission potential, disease severity, and countermeasure availability.
  5. One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OHSMAR): Developed by the WHO One Health project to map and analyze One Health systems. Can be used to identify human, animal, and environmental health priorities.
  6. Health Hazard Assessment and Prioritization Tool (HHAPT): Developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to assess and prioritize health hazards using a quantitative approach based on hazard analysis and exposure assessment.


Existing tools employ diverse prioritization approaches, including mixed-method, quantitative, and qualitative methods. The review highlights the need for a robust One Health-based tool encompassing both disease and risk prioritization.


This summary is intended for scientific purposes and may not be suitable for general audiences. It lacks detailed explanations and contextual information present in the original article.


SOURCE : Yasobant S, Patil S, Bhavsar P, and Saxena D
(2024) Risk Prioritization tools for emerging and epidemic-prone diseases: A One Health scoping review, Int. J. One Health, 10(1): 74–81 

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